救助易兵家庭,共度艰难时刻 易兵救助基金设立

2009年4月17日,易兵校友与夫人李薇薇在美国加州Cupertino 市家中遇袭,李薇薇不幸遇难,易兵受重伤。易兵是中国科技大学(USTC)856(即85级无线电系)校友,本科毕业后就读于北京大学研究生院(90 EE班)并结识了李薇薇,其后夫妻双双来美,定居加州。中国科学技术大学校友新创基金会即日起,建立易兵救助基金,帮助易兵与李薇薇的家庭度过难关,并方便国内校友与热心人士进行人民币捐赠。该基金将用于资助李薇薇的丧事、家人来美的费用和孩子的临时开销。










1. "易兵救助基金"全额转交易兵家属;

2. 财务规范,接受监督并保护捐赠人隐私:A) 为保护捐赠人隐私,我们将不公布每位捐赠人的捐赠金额,B)为规范财务,我们将为捐赠校友出具北京市捐赠统一收据。;

3.接受审计等监督:A)救助基金转赠时,将由至少2位以上捐赠人代表审核财务细目。B) 接受财务审计:新创基金会每年公布财务报告,并进行独立审计,所有财务报表可供调阅。2008年审计报告请见这里;C) 接受审计监督:包括此救助基金在内的财务情况将与2009年财务状况一同接受会计师事务所审计,预计2010年初进行此项审计;








您可能已经听说了我们的朋友易兵和他的妻子李薇薇令人心碎的不幸。就在四月十七日易兵和李薇薇在自己家中被人攻击,李薇薇不幸遇难,易兵也严重受伤。万幸的是他们的两个孩子未受遭及。 此一噩耗令李薇薇和易兵的朋友们无不震惊。易兵是中国科技大学(USTC)856班的学生。本科毕业后他就读于北京大学研究生院(90 EE班)并结识了李薇薇,而后双双来美,定居加州。我们作为易兵在856班的朋友在伤痛之际更迫切地感到要帮助他和他的家庭渡过劫难。在USTC校友基金会(USTCAF)和北京大学北加州校友会(PKUAANC)的无尚支持下,我们建立了一个纪念基金。该基金将用于资助李薇薇的丧事,他们家人来美的费用和孩子的临时开销。余额将用于孩子的教育。

如果您想伸出援手,可通过USTCAF捐助。USTCAF是一个信誉良好,高效,透明的501(c)(3) 非营利性组织,您的捐款符合美国IRS的减税条款,还可能得到您公司的配赠。捐款方法如下

1. 登录USTCAF网站


2. 填写姓名,数额,选择捐款类型,请确认选定 subfund 为“856Yibing“。捐款类型可为信用卡,支票,paypal 或人民币银行转帐

输入 “856Yibing“ 来查询本基金的出入详情。



856YiBing 基金会


Helping Yi Bing’s Family to Recover From the Tragedy

Dear Friends,

With indescribable sadnesss, we are bringing to you this heartbreaking news,that our classmate and dear friend Yi Bing and his wife Weiwei Li were brutally attacked at their home on Friday April 17th. Weiwei was killed and Bing was seriously injured in the event. Luckily to our comfort, their two lovely children, aged 6 and 10, were unharmed and are with friends safely now.
Yi Bing was a graduate of Univ of Science and Technology of China (USTC,class 856) who later attended graduate school of Peking University in1990 (PKU, class 90 EE). While saddened by this tragedy, Bing’s friends from USTC856, with the gracious help of USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF) and Peking University Alumni Association of Northern California (PKUAANC), quickly set up a fund to help his family. This fund is meant to cover
expenses such as Weiwei’s memorial service, temporal child care and travel expenses for his families coming from China . Any remaining fund will be used for Bing’s Children’s education.

Many friends have eagerly expressed desire to help out. We hope that with the warm hearts and great help from everyone, we can help Bing and his
family recover from this tragedy sooner.

Here is how to donate:

1. Visit USTCAF web site at
-- If you have difficulty reading, set encoding to “Simplified Chinese”.

2. Enter your name, donation amount and payment method(check, or credit card or paypal or bank wiring for RenMinBi). Make sure you select subfund name: 856YiBing

The maximum donation is $1000 per the USTCAF guidelines. If you would like to donate more, please contact the fund manager. You can check the fund balance and activities at
make sure you type in the subfund 856YiBing to show only the activities within this subfund. USTCAF is a reputable high efficiency high transparency non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status in the US . Your donation is tax deductible and may be matched by your employers.

Thank you very much for your generosity and kindness. Please also help spread the word to help a family recovering from this unimaginable tragedy.

Any questions, please contact: Hongrong Qing hqing2001 AT yahoo. com or Jianhui He hejianh AT gmail. com.


The 856YiBing Fund committee

2009-04-25 上一篇: 北京校友下午茶,私聊职场与教育 下一篇: 向阎立、张亚勤通报基金会筹备工作