
按:中国科大美国南加州校友会将于2008年12月26日至12月28日在洛杉矶加州理工学院 (Caltech) 举办一系列庆祝活动。活动内容将包括母校50年历史的温馨回顾, 金融危机热点话题的专家点评、职业生涯甜酸苦辣的经验分享以及新老校友联欢聚会以及丰盛的晚餐。这将是中国科大留美校友五十周年校庆活动的尾声,我们转发此通知,欢迎各地校友根据通知方式踊跃报名,欢度佳节,共襄盛举。


中国科大校友南加州聚会地点——Beckman Institute, California Institute of Technology



California Institute of Technology (1200 E. California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125)


December 26 (6 pm-10 pm) Reception in Dabney Hall, Caltech

December 27 (9 am-6 pm) Program in Beckman Institute Auditorium, Caltech

(Free airport pickup provided upon request on 12/25 and 26)


This event is organized by Southern California USTC Alumni Association and designed for ALL USTC family members: faculties, alumni, and friends (especially for those who used to work and study in China Academy of Sciences).

Highlights of Event Schedule

I. Reception, 6 pm-10 pm, Friday December 26. Dinner provided.

Reception in Dabney Hall at Caltech. The event will provide adequate time for alumni networking and interactions, and light entertainment will be provided.

Confirmed participants include extremely senior honorable guests who have made tremendous contribution to USTC, from institutions like the University of Arizona, UCLA, UCSD, UCR, UCI, USC and Caltech.

II. Morning Session, 9 am-12 pm, Saturday December 27. Lunch provided.

Over the past 5 decades, USTC has emerged as one of the most prestigious universities in China. We will have a rather complete but concise introduction of the history of USTC and bring you back to those memorable life moments when we all were young, ambitious, careless.

Recent current financial crisis has deep impacts on every aspect of the US and the world. USTC has lots of alumni from Wall Street and related financial service sectors. A panel of financial service industry executives will be present to examine related issues and potential implication.

III. Early Afternoon Session, 1:30 pm-3 pm, Saturday December 27.

Especially in the past three decades, lot of our alumni came to USA for graduate schools. Currently, there are lots of them who are either teaching or doing research in top universities and research institutions. We will feature a panel of professors/scientists who originally graduated from USTC to share the career experiences for younger generations and tips on how to become successful in the academic career.

IV. Late Afternoon Session, 3:30 pm-5:30 pm, Saturday December 27.

Alumni representatives (such as those in different decades from 1960s to 2000s) will be present to share their valuable memories, experiences, and life in various parts of the world.

Event Schedule (Draft)

节目一览表 (初稿)




Dec. 26 (Friday) at Dabney Garden and Hall

5:00 – 6:00 pm

Registration and mingling

6:00 – 7:30 pm


7:30 - 8:15 pm

Keynote speech

8:15 – 9:00 pm

Various presentations from teachers and alumni – Life at USTC

9:00 pm - midnight

Party (entertainment, dancing, etc)

Dec. 27 (Saturday) at Beckman Institute Auditorium

8:00 – 9:00

Registration and continental breakfast

9:00 – 10:15

Presentations for USTC 50th Anniversary

  • USTC History and Milestones (Slides/Video) – 15 mins

  • Keynote speech from distinguished speaker - 25 mins

  • Representative from USTC teachers – 10 mins

  • Representative from USTC students – 10 mins

  • Guests from local associations (other Universities etc.) – 15 mins


Presentation on the current financial crisis (3 Panel Speakers)

  • Panel to be announced soon

11:45 – 13:30


13:30 – 15:00

Panel discussion on career path (3 Panel Speakers)

  • Prepare to be a professor

  • Carry out research in the US

  • Become an Entrepreneur

15:00 – 15:30


15:30 – 17:30

What you were and where you are

  • Representative from Class 60's

  • Representative from Class 70's

  • Representative from Class 80's

  • Representative from Class 90's

  • Representative from Class 00's


Dinner parties at local Chinese restaurants (3: one for Class 50-60's; one for 70-80's; one for 90-00's)

Dec. 28 (Sunday)

Social and/or entertainment activities (pending upon the interest)


Please pass this message around (especially those alumni from other areas in the States if they decide to travel or visit Southern California during this holiday season, you are more than welcome to attend this event). For new students or whoever has financial difficulty in traveling or hotel expense, please do not hesitate to contact us. We shall help to arrange carpool and sleep in our local alumni's home. After this event, if you decide to stay here few more days, you are more than welcome to watch Rose Parade and Rose Ball (www.roseparade.com)or spend your new year in Las Vegas which is about four hours drive from Pasadena. As usual, there are quite lot of activities in local Chinese community in this season. We shall update you soon.

If you have any questions on registration, please contact Fei Long at lfeiustc(ATNOSPAM)gmail.com. Any questions or suggestions on lodging, airport pick-up and event co-ordination please contact Yong Hao at haoyong(ATNOSPAM)caltech.edu. Any questions or suggestions related to event planning, please contact Sean Li at advanced.lee(ATNOSPAM)gmail.com or the following representatives in different decades and different areas:









Wang-He Lou 楼望和


Orange County


Brian Bai 白沈东




Jason Wen 温俊山


Los Angeles


Nong Chen 陈农


Los Angeles


Bing Zhu 朱滨


San Diego


Sean Li李先进


Los Angeles


Yong Hao 郝勇


Los Angeles


Jingyu Li 李静宇


Los Angeles


Lijuan Deng 邓丽娟




Jingjing Zhou 周婧婧


Los Angeles


Fei Long龙飞




Shaoshan Hu胡韶山


MBA class



Look forward to meeting you in Los Angeles!

Registration Fee



Student Rate

Regular Rate

Early registration (by 12/15)



Normal registration (12/16-12/26)



At door



This fee will include the dinner on Friday, Dec 26, plus the breakfast and lunch on Saturday, Dec 27. Valid student ID is required for student registrants. If you decide to attend Friday night (Dec.26) only or Saturday (Dec. 27) only, please let us know and you can pay 50% of the registration fee.

Payment Methods

Please include the following information when making the payment:

  • Name (both Chinese and English)

  • How many people, student or non-student

  • Contact Phone #

  • Do you need airport pick-up (LAX or BUR)?

  • Do you need help on lodging?

  • USTC Class (like 9506, optional)

  1. Paypal: Please pay to ustc.sc50(ATNOSPAM)gmail.com (bank transfer only, no credit card or debit card payment please).

  2. Bank of America direct money transfer (it's very convenient if you have a Bank of America check-in account): Please email: lfeiustc(ATNOSPAM)gmail.com for payment instructions.

  3. Personal check or money order, please mail to:

Fei Long

1453 E Jefferson Way #207

Simi Valley, CA 93065

If you choose to pay by mail, please mail out the check early to take advantage of the early registration discount.

  1. Credit card: Will charge 5% more because of the finance charge incurred. Please email: lfeiustc(ATNOSPAM)gmail.com for credit card payment instructions.

  2. You can also come to pay at local representatives as the following:

Yong Hao at Caltech: (626) 376-8092

Jingjing Zhou at USC: (213) 793-1627

Jingyu Li at UCLA: (310) 880-1691

Hao Gao at UCI: (949) 205-9053

Wei Han at UCR: (951) 231-8836

Bin Zhu at UCSD: (760) 445-5822

You don't have to be a USTC alumnus to join. Please note that we, the local alumni will try our best to pick you up from the airport and help you with lodging. However, because of the limited resource, these services are not guaranteed to every participant and priority will be only given to participants who register early.


2008-12-08 上一篇: 北京校友下午茶,私聊职场与教育 下一篇: 校友佳作:快乐投资艺术